Welcome to the home of Carbercomposites

Please feel free to browse the workshop to find the accessories you need for your warbird.

We hope you can find everything you need.

Carbercomposites is a focused one stop engineering source providing high-quality composite and moulded components.

Starting from new design or existing parts development, we will find you the most efficient design process and material to fit your applications, combined with a modeller’s service and customer satisfaction.

We will do everything we can to meet your expectations!

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Why Us?

That answer is a big question that everyone asks, we can only give you a simple explanation as a “Mission Statement! 

“Bert and I are R/C model aircraft builders and pilots, we want our models to look real so that you guys can fly them with pride”!

Please get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Thank You.

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